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New Server Events - Level Up and Ranking

author:7road| time:2021-07-20| view:4143

See other New Server Events Guides:

Recharge & Consumption

Role Development I

Role Development II

Feature Activities I

Feature Activities II

Events & Exchange

Level Up!

Level Up I (Lvl. 20-Lvl. 45)
Duration: Day1 - Day 5 23:59
Description: Reach certain levels before the end of the 5th day after the server is released and be rewarded.

Lvl. 20

·        Bound Balens x500

·        Exp Book Chest x100

·        Spirit Covenant Trial Card x3

·        Mount Training Whip x500

·        Lvl. 1-5 Gem Pack x50

Lvl. 30

·        Balens Chest x1

·        Lvl. 5 Gold Seed x50

·        Extreme Stamina Potion x10

·        Soul Crystal x3000

·        Rune Pack Ⅱ x10

Lvl. 35

·        Bound Balens x500

·        Beast Soul x2000

·        Enhanced Bounty Scroll x50

·        Mount Training Whip x800

·        Fashion Core x50

Lvl. 40

·        Balens Chest x1

·        Lvl. 5 Daru Seed x50

·        1-Day VIP Card x3

·        Lvl. 4 Refinement Crystal x200

·        Lvl. 1-5 Gem Pack x100

Lvl. 45

·        Bound Balens x500

·        Fashion Chest II Key x5

·        Imperial Seal x50

·        Soul Crystal x5000

·        Sylph Equipment Shard x1000

Level Up II (Lvl. 50-Lvl. 65)
Duration: Day1 - Day 7 23:59
Description: Reach certain levels before the end of the 7th day after the server is released and be rewarded.

Lvl. 50

·        Balens Chest x1

·        Medallion x8

·        The Empire Crusade x10

·        Mahra x1000

·        Sylph Equipment Enchantment Pack x100

Lvl. 55

·        Lucky Box x15

·        Sack of Gold x500

·        Crypt Key x 30

·        Sylph Sepulcrum x1000

·        Lvl. 1-5 HP Divinity Soul Chest x100

Lvl. 60

        ·         Bound Balens x500

        ·        Fashion Chest Key x5

        ·        Lvl. 3 Bonus EXP Scroll x2

       ·        Golden Holy Water x400

        ·         Fate Stone x500

        ·        Star Sand x300

Lvl. 65

        ·        Lucky Box x25

        ·         Lvl. 5 Insignia Seed x25

        ·        Double Honor Scroll x2

        ·        Mount Hoof x800

        ·        Bead of Influence x200

        ·        Lvl. 1-3 Crystal Chest x50

Level Up III (Lvl. 70-Lvl.80)
Duration: Day1 - Day 10 23:59
Description: Reach certain levels before the end of the 10th day after the server is released and be rewarded.

Lvl. 70

·        Balens Chest x1

·        Eudaemon Summon Chest x30

·        200 - Discount Coupon x1

·        Blood of Zeus x800

·        White Iron x200

.      Lvl. 1-5 HP Diamond Chest x100

Lvl. 75

       .     Sylphs Call x25

       .     Fang of Fear x3000

       .     Engagement Ring x1

       .     Eudaemon Skill Chest x300

       .     Eudaemon Warpath Crystal x500

       .     Eudaemon RES Reduction Essence x500

Lvl. 80

       .     Bound Balens x2000

       .     Expert Coordinate Chest x3

       .     Purgatory Key x10

       .     Henna x3000

       .     Relic Chest x1

       .     Smelting Stone x50

Guild and Player Ranks

Best Guild I (Guild Level)
Event Time: Day 1 –Day 5 23:59
Reward Time: The 6th day after the server is released.
Description: When a Guild reaches the required levels, the Guild Leader and guild members will be handsomely rewarded. Go invite your friends to join Best Guild!

When a guild reaches Lvl. 5:
All Guild Members receive: Balens Chest x3, Fang of Fear x1,000, Beast Soul x300, Lucky Box x20
Guild Leader also receives: Lvl. 3-5 Gem Pack x5, Beast Soul x200

When a guild reaches Lvl. 6:
All Guild Members receive: Balens Chest x5, Fang of Fear x1,500, Beast Soul x500, Lucky Box x25
Guild Leader also receives: Lvl. 3-5 Gem Pack x8, Beast Soul x300

When a guild reaches Lvl. 7:
All Guild Members receive: Balens Chest x8, Fang of Fear x2,000, Beast Soul x800,

Lucky Box x40
Guild Leader also receives: Lvl. 3-5 Gem Pack x10, Beast Soul x400

Rookie King I
Event Time: Day 1 – Day 7 23:59
Reward Time: : The 8th day after the server is released.
Description: Top 100 players in the Level Rankings will be handsomely rewarded.

·        Rank 1-10 in the level rankings to receive: Bound Balens x2,000, Goddess Tear x50, Henna x8,000, Lucky Box x80

·        Rank 11-25 in the level rankings to receive: Bound Balens x1,500, Goddess Tear x40, Henna x7,000, Lucky Box x60

·        Rank 26-50 in the level rankings to receive: Bound Balens x1,000, Goddess Tear x30, Henna x6,000, Lucky Box x40

·        Rank 51-75 in the level rankings to receive: Bound Balens x800, Goddess Tear x25, Henna x 5,000, Lucky Box x30

·        Rank 76-100 in the level rankings to receive: Bound Balens x500, Goddess Tear x20, Henna x4,000, Lucky Box x20

Sylph BR King I
Event Time: Day 3 – Day 9 23:59
Reward Time: The 10th day after the server is released.
Description: Only the Warrior with the mightiest Sylphs can dominate the continent! Top 80 players in the rankings will be handsomely rewarded.

·        Rank 1-3 in the Sylph rankings to receive: War Spirit Chest x80, Sylph's Call x80, Lucky Box x80

·        Rank 4-10 in the Sylph rankings to receive: War Spirit Chest x80, Sylph's Call x60, Lucky Box x60

·        Rank 11-25 in the Sylph rankings to receive: War Spirit Chest x70, Sylph's Call x45, Lucky Box x40

·        Rank 26-50 in the Sylph rankings to receive: War Spirit Chest x70, Sylph's Call x35, Lucky Box x30

·        Rank 51-80 in the Sylph rankings to receive: War Spirit Chest x60, Sylph's Call x30, Lucky Box x20

BR King I
Event Time: Day 7 – Day 13 23:59
Reward Time: The 14th day after the server is released.
Description: Top 100 players in the Battle Rating Rankings will be handsomely rewarded.

·        Rank 1-3 in the BR rankings to receive: Bound Balens x2,000, Beast Heart x50, Wave Crystal x400, Tattoo Engraving Stone x8, Lucky Box x80

·        Rank 4-10 in the BR rankings to receive: Bound Balens x1,500, Beast Heart x40, Wave Crystal x 300, Tattoo Engraving Stone x8,Lucky Box x60

·        Rank 11-30 in the BR rankings to receive: Bound Balens x1,000, Beast Heart x30, Wave Crystal x 250, Tattoo Engraving Stone x5, Lucky Box x40

·        Rank 31-60 in the BR rankings to receive: Bound Balens x800, Beast Heart x25, Wave Crystal x 200, Tattoo Engraving Stone x3, Lucky Box x30

·        Rank 61-100 in the BR rankings to receive: Bound Balens x500, Beast Heart x20, Wave Crystal x 150, Tattoo Engraving Stone x2, Lucky Box x20

Best Guild II (Guild Level)
Event Time: Day 15 –Day 19 23:59
Reward Time: The 20th day after the server is released.
Description: When a Guild reaches the required levels, the Guild Leader and guild members will be handsomely rewarded. Go invite your friends to join Best Guild!

When a guild reaches Lvl. 8:

All Guild Members receive: Fang of Fear x2,000, Fashion Chest II Key x2, Smelting Stone x30, Lucky Box x20
Guild Leader also receives: Lvl. 3-5 Gem Pack x10, Fashion Chest II Keyx1

When a guild reaches Lvl. 9:

All Guild Members receive: Fang of Fear x2,500, Fashion Chest II Key x3, Smelting Stone x50, Lucky Box x25

Lucky Box x40
Guild Leader also receives: Lvl. 3-5 Gem Pack x15, Fashion Chest II Keyx2

When a guild reaches Lvl. 10:

All Guild Members receive: Fang of Fear x3,000, Fashion Chest II Key x5, Smelting Stone x80, Lucky Box x40

Lucky Box x40
Guild Leader also receives: Lvl. 3-5 Gem Pack x20, Fashion Chest II Keyx3

Rookie King II
Event Time: Day 17 – Day 23 23:59
Reward Time: : The 24th day after the server is released.
Description: Top 100 players in the Level Rankings will be handsomely rewarded.

Sylph BR King II
Event Time: Day 19 – Day 25 23:59
Reward Time: The 26th day after the server is released.
Description: Only the Warrior with the mightiest Sylphs can dominate the continent! Top 80 players in the rankings will be handsomely rewarded.

·        Rank 1-3 in the Sylph rankings to receive: War Spirit Chest x80, Sylph's Call x80, Lucky Box x80

·        Rank 4-10 in the Sylph rankings to receive: War Spirit Chest x80, Sylph's Call x60, Lucky Box x60

·        Rank 11-25 in the Sylph rankings to receive: War Spirit Chest x70, Sylph's Call x45, Lucky Box x40

·        Rank 26-50 in the Sylph rankings to receive: War Spirit Chest x70, Sylph's Call x35, Lucky Box x30

·        Rank 51-80 in the Sylph rankings to receive: War Spirit Chest x60, Sylph's Call x30, Lucky Box x20

BR King II

Event Time: Day 23 – Day 29 23:59
Reward Time: The 30th day after the server is released.
Description: Top 100 players in the Battle Rating Rankings will be handsomely rewarded.

·        Rank 1-3 in the BR rankings to receive: Bound Balens x2,000, Clothing Refinement Stone x500, Caste Stone x300, Star Crystal x50, Lucky Box x80

·        Rank 4-10 in the BR rankings to receive: Bound Balens x1,500, Clothing Refinement Stone x400, Caste Stone x250, Star Crystal x50, Lucky Box x60

·        Rank 11-30 in the BR rankings to receive: Bound Balens x1,000, Cothing Refinement Stone x300, Caste Stone x200, Star Crystal x40, Lucky Box x40

·        Rank 31-60 in the BR rankings to receive: Bound Balens x800, Cothing Refinement Stone x250, Caste Stone x150, Star Crystal x30, Lucky Box x30

·        Rank 61-100 in the BR rankings to receive: Bound Balens x500, Cothing Refinement Stone x200, Caste Stone x100, Star Crystal x20, Lucky Box x20

See other New Server Events Guides:

Recharge & Consumption

Role Development I

Role Development II

Feature Activities I

Feature Activities II

Events & Exchange