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Warspirit Tower Guide

author:7road| time:2022-08-24| view:1186

[Unlocking Conditions]

Complete Class Knighthood —> Kingship level reaches Lv. 10 —> Complete Guide Quest: Warspirit Tower —> Unlock Warspirit Tower


Cloud City —> NPC Forbidden Land BOSS (Alisa) —> Warspirit Tower


Click Challenge to start. Players can challenge Warspirit Tower once a day, and challenge attempt resets at 00:00 every day. Challenge an uncleared level to get Clearance reward, and challenge a cleared level to get Re-clearance reward. Players can also get Staged reward by clearing certain levels. After daily reset, the challenge will start from the previous 5 levels before playershighest level record.


1. Clearance Reward: Each level has a corresponding level of reward.

2. Re-clearance Reward: Challenge a cleared level to get Re-clearance reward. And the reward will not be activated if players have not cleared any level.

3. Staged Reward: Reach the required level to unlock Staged reward.


1. Each level has a required armor value. Players damage will be reduced by 90% if players do not reach the armor value.

2. Challenge Attempt resets at 00:00 every day.