Auto login Retrieve Password


Please provide us the information about the role you want to retrieve and help us verify your identity

Please enter the email you register.

Which platform did your enter the game before.

Type the number or name of the server where your role is

Enter your role name exactly

Type your in-game itemlock Password to help us confirm your identity

Please provide us more information to help prove your identity,such as latest payment record, approximately balens and bound balens amount, etc. Upload Image
You can also upload some images to help prove your identity(Picture only)




[Merge] Wartune Server Merge @ May 31st

author:7ROAD| time:2023-05-29| view:367

A server merge is scheduled for Wednesday, the 31st of May, starting at 01:00 PDT/04:00 EDT/09:00 BST/16:00 GMT+8. These servers will be down for approximately 2 to 4 hours to allow for adequate testing but could be longer. Please watch this thread for any updates or changes.

The following servers are to be merged:

Proficient City Server



Proficient City Server


will be merged.

In order to avoid the loss of any character information, please refrain from making any new characters on these servers until the merge has been completed.