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Happy Children's Day!

author:7ROAD| time:2023-06-01| view:240

Greetings, Dear Lords, Happy Children's Day!

We may have grown up. But actually, many scenes from our childhood still exist. It is the state of mind that determines whether the happiness is still there. Let's make small changes to our lives today, allowing us to slow down in this fast-paced world.


If you can go on a time travel and meet your childhood self, what would you say to them? Share your thoughts in our FB Comments, we will select 10 players to receive Children's Day gifts!


[Lucky Exchange]

Coming with the celebration, we will have a brand-new clothing set available in Lucky Exchange - Children's Fancy Outfit.

[Children's Day Exchange]

An event-limited exchange where you can get the Kidult Title Card and the stubby yet lovable Short-legged Dragon mount. You can also find Lv. 2 Goddess Scroll & Lv. 3 Goddess Scroll there.

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